Kairakuen Garden in Mito City was created in 1842, and is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan. It is famous as a plum blossom viewing spot. In February and March, you can enjoy plum blossoms on as many as 3,000 plum trees of about 100 kinds. Kairakuen Park, which includes the plum trees and adjacent Lake Senba, is one of the largest parks in the world.水戶市的「偕樂園」建於1842年,是日本三大名園之一,也是知名的梅花名勝。每到2、3月,可欣賞約100種、3,000棵梅花。「偕樂園公園」涵蓋梅花林和其鄰接的千波湖,擁有全球數一數二的遼闊面積。Kinchakuda in Hidaka City is famous for having a big colony of higanbana (spider lilies). During the blooming season, which starts around mid-September, you can see a fantastic scen-ery of the lilies, which look like a bright red carpet on the ground, through the wooden area. With the Koma River flowing next to the colony, it is really pleasant to take a walk while lis-tening to the sound of the stream!日高巾着田是知名的大型彼岸花(石蒜、曼珠沙華)群生地,最佳觀賞期在9月中旬,屆時可欣賞雜木林中宛如鋪上鮮紅地毯般的夢幻景色。旁邊有高麗川流經,一邊聆聽清爽的潺潺水聲一邊漫步,非常舒暢宜人!The huge weeping cherry blossom tree over 1,000 years old, called Takizakura, a symbol of Miharu Town, has been designated a National Natural Treasure, and is considered one of the Three Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom views in Japan. Numerous light pink blossoms on the weeping branches stretching in four directions look just like waterfalls. It looks gorgeous and beautiful from all directions, which is overwhelming.Aizu Sazaedo is a tower built in 1796 with a double-helix structure, which is rare worldwide. The tower was designed so that visitors won’t have to pass each other to ensure their safety in the tower. Once you step inside, you will find a single spi-ral slope going up. As you go up, you will lose your sense of balance and feel funny…會津螺旋堂位於會津若松市,建於1796年,是全球也十分少見的二重螺旋結構的建築。據說這種設計是為錯開眾多的參拜客,確保眾人可平安參拜。步入其內,螺旋狀的單行坡道不斷延伸,走著走著會失去平衡感,產生不可思議的感覺……。8三春町的象徵是樹齡超過千年的紅枝垂櫻,獲指定為國家天然紀念物,也被列為日本三大櫻花。向四方延伸的枝椏開滿了無數淺粉色的花朵,宛如傾瀉而下的瀑布一般,不論從哪個角度看都非常迷人,景色壯麗。in Miharu沉醉在三春瀧櫻的魅力中corridor of Aizu Sazaedo到會津螺旋堂攀登不可思議的迴廊at Kinchakuda, Hidaka City到日高巾着田欣賞滿開的彼岸花in Kairakuen Garden到偕樂園賞梅花FUKUSHIMA / IBARAKI / SAITAMA / TOCHIGI / GUNMA福島14Mesmerized by Takizakura FukushimaFukushima福島15Climb up a mysterious Ibaraki茨城16See plum blossoms Saitama埼玉17See the fully-blooming red spider lilies
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