
1-min walk from Seibu Shinjuku Sta.5-min walk from Shinjuku Sta. (JR, Odakyu, Keio, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line)Shinjuku City (Shinjuku-ku, or Shinjuku Ward in Japanese) is a cosmopolitan city located at the center of Tokyo, which comprises 23 cities (wards). It features Shinjuku Station, the world’s busiest station, enter-tainment districts including the famous Kabukicho, and one of the most prosperous commercial areas in Japan around the station, all of which attract visitors from all over the world. Meanwhile, simply by mak-ing a little side trip from Shinjuku Station, you can visit Shinjuku neighborhoods that have many diverse and distinctive aspects as well as experience Japan-style charms. Here we feature the Shinjuku East Exit area with Kabukicho, the big entertainment district that is filled with so much energy all day and all night.Packed with various types of shops and facilities, including restaurants, bars, theaters, cinemas, and amusement arcades, Kabukicho is called the biggest entertainment district in Japan. The area seems even more lively and bustling at night with many people on the streets along with colorful neon signs, so it is also called a “sleepless town.” You can discover various attractive aspects of the area, such as “Golden Gai” with a number of alleys lined with many small, distinctive bars and “Shiki no Michi,” where you can enjoy walking on a quiet stone-paved pathway with plenty of greenery during daytime.Tokyo 23 cityAccessOpened in April, 2023, Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is a super high-rise complex facility with 48 floors, five underground floors, and a one-story penthouse, standing about 225 meters tall. Accommodating various types of tenants, in-cluding hotels, cinemas, theaters, and live venues, it has become a new land-mark of Kabukicho. On the lower floors, you can enjoy various entertainment facilities, including “Shinjuku Kabuki Hall – Kabuki Yokocho,” an entertain-ment food hall with a theme of “Festival,” where you can enjoy food, mu-sic and images on a screen; “namco TOKYO,” where you can enjoy various kinds of gaming machines; and “THE TOKYO MATRIX” with a huge dun-geon for your adventure. The higher floors have two different types of hotels: “HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel,” a life-style ho-tel with a cultural atmosphere of art and music, and BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel,” a luxurious hotel with guestrooms with wide views. You can enjoy an elegant time while looking down at the streets of Shinjuku.Shinjuku East Exit AreaShinjuku CityShinjuku Sta.18距離新宿站步行5分鐘(JR、小田急、京王、東京Metro丸之內線)Tokyu Kabukicho Tower 東急歌舞伎町TOWER交通方式距離西武新宿站步行1分鐘Kabukicho 歌舞伎町 Shinjuku Kabuki HallKabukichoDiscovering New Aspects of Attractive Shinjuku! Vol. 5一同探究新宿的新魅力吧! Vol. 5此地擁有餐飲店、酒吧、劇場、電影院、遊戲中心等眾多商店與設施,被稱為日本第一的歡樂街。入夜後,洶湧的人潮與色彩繽紛的霓虹燈更添熱鬧印象,又有「不夜城」之稱。此外,還有小巧的特色酒吧林立的「黃金街」,以及白天可在石板路漫步的「四季之路」等,魅力多元。2023年4月開幕,地上48樓、地下5樓、塔屋1樓,高約225公尺的超高層綜合設施。內有飯店、電影院、劇場、現場展演空間等多元設施,是歌舞伎町的新地標。低樓層有以「祭典」為主題,融合了美食、音樂與影像的娛樂美食廣場「新宿歌舞伎hall~歌舞伎橫丁」、可享受各式遊戲機的「namco TOKYO」,還有可體驗地牢攻略的「THE TOKYO MATRIX」等眾多娛樂型設施。高樓層則有能感受藝術、音樂等文化的生活方式飯店「HOTEL GROOVE SHINJUKU, A PARKROYAL Hotel」,以及擁有全景客房的天空豪華飯店「BELLUSTAR TOKYO, A Pan Pacific Hotel」這兩間不同的飯店進駐。可一邊俯瞰新宿的街景,一邊在此度過優雅的時光。新宿區是位於東京23區內中央的國際觀光都市。以乘客流量居於世界首位的新宿站周邊,林立商業設施、餐飲店,來自世界各地的訪客絡繹不絕。提到新宿多數人會直接聯想到新宿車站周邊的氛圍,不過,其實只要從新宿站再延伸到稍遠一點的地區,就能體驗到有各種獨特風情的街道和魅力。這次將向大家介紹,不論日夜都活力充沛的一大鬧區「歌舞伎町」所在的新宿東口區域。TM & © TOHO CO., LTD.▲ A real-sized Godzilla on the top of Shinjuku TOHO Building is just spectacular!  *Entry to Godzilla Terrace is not permitted as of August, 2023.新宿東寶大廈上方的等身大哥吉拉震撼力滿分! ※哥吉拉露臺目前不開放進入(2023年8月時的資訊)©TOKYU KABUKICHO TOWERTokyo MetropolisShinjuku East Exit Area新宿東口區域

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