Running through the middle area of Shizuoka Prefecture, Oigawa Railway features actively-working old passenger cars and trains, including steam lo-comotives from the 1930s to 1940s. Through a window of the train with an interior that makes you feel like you have travelled back in time, you can enjoy a view of houses along the river, lush green mountains, and tea fields, which is really unique to Japan, in a relaxing atmosphere.* Due to damages brought about by a typhoon in 2022, the train route is currently shortened.「大井川鐵道」奔馳於靜岡縣中部,包括1930~1940年代的蒸汽火車在內,古老的客車與電車現在仍十分活躍。車內飄散著彷彿穿越時空一般的古典氛圍,沿途可從車窗自在地欣賞河川兩旁的民宅、蓊鬱的群山、茶園等日本特有的風景。※受到2022年颱風災害的影響,目前縮短行駛區段。* For safety reasons, only those in age from elementary school children and above can join the temple tour.Kanazawa is called “Little Kyoto.” Just minutes away from the tra-ditional streetscapes, you can find Myoryuji Temple, which is also called Ninja-dera Temple. The temple once served as a fort, so it has various types of mech-anisms to protect from enemies from outside, such as hidden doors and hidden stairs. A tour guide will lead you through the maze-like inside (reservation re-quired in advance).Taishizan Seidaiji Temple in Katsuyama City is a magnificent temple with a statue of the Great Buddha of 17 meters in seated height, which is taller than the one in Todaiji Temple, Nara Prefecture. Surrounding this Great Buddha statue, more than 1,200 statues of Buddha are arrayed all along a wall, which are supposed to invite people to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, creating an overwhelming view. Visiting in early morning is recom-mended as there are fewer visitors.Takayama City still has old-style streets, with various types of shops, in-cluding long-established liquor shops, miso shops, ramen shops, and restau-rants serving Hida Beef. The Miyagawa Morning Market is held every day. In the town, you can hear lively voices of local people throughout the day, which makes you want to stay there indef-initely. Such a feature is said to stem from the culture of the area to welcome visitors from far away, as it is located deep in the mountains.「高山」保留了傳統的街景,從老字號酒廠、味噌店,到飛驒牛、拉麵等,各式各樣的店家林立於此。這裡每天還會舉辦宮川朝市,整天都可聽到當地民眾活力充沛的聲音,讓人流連忘返。此地位於深山之中,據說因此擁有熱情款待遠道而來賓客的文化。金澤有「小京都」之稱,在稍微遠離傳統街區之處,佇立著別名忍者寺的「妙立寺」。在發揮營壘功能的寺廟裡,處處都設有如暗門、暗梯等用以禦敵的機關,導遊會為訪客導覽迷宮般的內部(需事先預約)。※基於安全考量,僅接受小學生以上進行參觀勝山市的「大師山清大寺」是一座規模宏大的寺廟,有比奈良東大寺還巨大、座高17公尺的大佛鎮守。包圍這座大佛的牆面上,排列著超過1,200尊導引前往極樂淨土的佛像,十分壯觀。建議選擇人潮較少的早晨前往參拜。Ninja-dera Temple in Kanazawa到金澤的「忍者寺」體驗充滿驚奇的機關Dance through the nightat Gujo Hachiman到郡上八幡徹夜群舞statues all along a wall到整面佛像前拍照留念Walk around the warm friendly town of Hida Takayama到飛驒高山漫步人情味滿滿的街區locomotive of Oigawa Railway到大井川鐵道搭乘古典的SL蒸汽火車來趟鐵道之旅Gifu岐阜47FUKUI / ISHIKAWA /GIFU /SHIZUOKA / AICHI /MIEIshikawa石川45Amaze karakuri mechanism at Fukui福井44Take photos in front of Buddha Gifu岐阜46Shizuoka靜岡48Travel on a classic steam 郡上市因身為郡上八幡城的城下町而興起,擁有超過400年歷史的「郡上舞」遠近馳名。從7月中旬起至9月上旬,活動持續超過30個晚上;其中,又以8月13日~16日清 晨的徹夜舞蹈特別精采!旅客也可以自由加入舞者間一同跳舞。Gujo City, which prospered as the castle town of Gujo Hachiman Castle, is famous for “Gujo Odori” dance festival, which has been held for more than 400 years. The festival lasts over 30 nights from mid-July to early September. During the festival period, the most exciting event is called “tetsuya odori,” which literally means “dance through the night,” where people dance through the night until the next morning for four days from August 13 to 16. Tourists can freely join the dance if they want.22
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