
In the area called “Okubiwako,” which is located in the northern part of Shiga Prefecture, there are beautiful things, just like hidden treasures, to be discovered in expansive, open nature. Go and discover the Karamon Gate in Chikubu Island in Lake Biwa, the statue of Eleven-faced Kannon, which is the National Treasure of Doganji Temple Kannondo (Kogenji Temple), and the beautiful scenery of the mountains and a row of dawn redwood (metasequoia) trees in Makino Town, and much more.滋賀縣北部有「奧琵琶湖」之稱的地區,以天高地闊的大自然為背景,美景宛如秘寶般分布其中。包括漂浮在琵琶湖上的竹生島的唐門、渡岸寺觀音堂(向源寺)的國寶十一面觀音,還有牧野的山岳與水杉林蔭道風光等。Located north of Kyoto City, Miyama Town in Nantan City has thatched-roof houses of 150 to 200 years old surrounded by the mountains. If you apply for a guided tour by a local guide, you can not only see the houses but also actually go into them as well as learn about the wisdom of living in the mountain village!南丹市美山位於京都市的北側,在群山環繞的鄉里間,林立著約有150~200年左右歷史的茅草屋民宅。若申請當地人帶領的嚮導之旅,不僅可以參觀,還能實際進入民宅內,學習山村的生活智慧!The delta-shaped area at the confluence of the Kamo River and Takano River is called Kamogawa Delta, where you can see many local people on sunny days, walking on stepping-stones and chatting at the river side. When I absently watch people enjoying themselves, while listening to the sound of the river, I derive happiness from a peaceful life.鴨川與高野川匯流的三角形之地,在當地被稱為鴨川三角洲。天氣晴朗時當地民眾會在此踩跳石渡河,或在川邊閒話家常,非常熱鬧。一邊聆聽潺潺水聲一邊放空看著大家歡樂的情景,可以感受到平穩日常的幸福感喔。While Kyoto is well-known for being filled with the traditional culture of Japan, it has actually so many bakeries that it is said to have the larg-est consumption of bread in Japan. From the famous bakeries, such as “Shinshindo” and “Sizuya,”to smaller ones, you will be able to find a favorite while sight-seeing in the city. It is also recommended to enjoy your breakfast with bread and coffee at an old-style café, such as “INODA COFFEE.”京都擁有豐富的日本傳統文化,不過這裡其實也有許多麵包店,據說麵包消費量甚至高居日本第一呢!從「進進堂」、「志津屋」等知名店家,到小巧的隱藏版名店,應有盡有,不妨在旅途中找一找喜歡的麵包店吧!也推薦在「INODA COFFEE」等老字號日式咖啡館,享用麵包與咖啡當早餐。The deer at Nara Park are wild animals designated as a National Natural Treasure and have been respected as messengers from the deities of Kasugataisha Shrine since ancient days. In Tobihino grass field within the shrine precincts, a “shikayose” event is held: deer are lured by the sound of a horn from the back of the forest in morning in summer and winter every year. In time with the melody of the Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven, a num-ber of deer gather together, which is a scene you will never see anywhere else.24奈良公園的鹿是獲指定為國家天然紀念物的野生動物,自古以來就被視為春日大社的神明差使而備受重視。在春日大社境內的飛火野,每年夏季與冬季的早上,會舉行吹響號角將鹿群從森林深處召集而來的「喚鹿」。鹿群搭配貝多芬的交響曲《田園》的樂聲聚集而來,是別處看不到的景象喔。of Lake Biwa到琵琶湖探訪隱藏版美景Observe the daily living in Kyoto at Kamogawa Delta到鴨川三角洲眺望京都的日常Visit a village with traditional thatched-roof houses參觀傳統的茅草屋村落bread and coffee in Kyoto到京都以麵包與咖啡揭開一天的序幕of a horn at Nara Park到奈良公園參觀號角召喚而來的鹿群SHIGA / KYOTO / NARA / OSAKAShiga滋賀54Look for the hidden beauty Kyoto京都55Kyoto京都57Kyoto京都56Start your day with delicious Nara奈良58Watch deer lured by the sound

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