Matsue is a castle town at the foot of Matsue Castle, a National Treasure built in 1611. Since the 7th lord of Matsue domain was a tea master, the town still has many wagashi (Japanese sweets) shops offering wagashi es-sential to the tea ceremony. After visiting the castle, you should enjoy a delicious piece of wagashi made by the current wagashi master at “Café Kiharu” inside the Matsue History Museum next to the castle.松江是位在建於西元1611年的國寶松江城腳邊的城下町。因第7代的松江藩主在茶道領域是出色的茶人,街上保留了許多茶道不可或缺的和菓子(日式點心)店。造訪古城後,一定要到隔壁的松江歷史館內的「喫茶Kiharu」,品嘗現代名匠手工製作的和菓子。The Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter features traditional buildings with beautiful white walls and the river lined with willow trees. The historical streetscape is filled with must-see spots, including variety stores, cafes, and art museums. Parfaits with seasonal fruits from Okayama, such as Shine Muscat grapes and peaches, are really delicious! There are also various ac-tivities available in the area, such as kimono rental, rickshaw riding, and river boat riding, so you will never get bored.倉敷美觀地區擁有洋溢傳統美的白牆建築,以及沿著河岸林立的柳樹林,是一處令人印象深刻的地區。在歷史悠久的街道中,分布著雜貨店、咖啡廳、美術館等眾多看點。使用晴王麝香葡萄、水蜜桃等岡山當季水果製作的聖代滋味美妙絕倫!此外,還有租借和服、人力車、搭小船遊河等各種豐富的活動,樂趣無窮。Kawara-soba is a local specialty dish of Yamaguchi Prefecture, especially around Shimonoseki City, and, surprisingly, it is cooked and served on a roof tile! Cha-soba noodles (to which matcha powder is added) and some ingredients, such as shredded egg crepe, beef, and nori seaweed, are cooked on a sizzling-hot kawara roof tile and the crispy noodles are just delicious! It is also amazing how various tastes and flavors, including the aroma of tea, sweet-salty taste of beef, and the sourness of lemon, are nicely fused to-gether to create a delicious dish on the tile.此為山口縣,特別是下關市附近的鄉土料理,竟然是使用用在屋頂的瓦片調理而成!在熱騰騰的瓦片上放上茶蕎麥麵、日式蛋絲、牛肉、海苔等,將麵條烤到脆脆的,非常好吃!茶的香氣、滋味甜鹹的牛肉、檸檬的酸味等,各種滋味與香氣在瓦片上融為一體,令人十分驚艷。Located in Setouchi City, Bizen Osafune Sword Museum is a must-visit place for fans of Japanese swords. You can vis-it a museum exhibit-ing various famous swords as well as a workshop of swordsmiths. The powerful demonstration of ancient hammering by swordsmiths is a must-see (can be seen only on the second Sunday and requires a reservation in advance).瀨戶內市的「備前長船刀劍之鄉 備前長船刀劍博物館」,是日本刀迷難以抗拒的地點!除了有展出許多名刀的博物館之外,還可觀賞刀工藝職人們的工房。刀匠打製玉鋼的「古式鍛鍊」震撼力十足,值得一看(僅每月第2個週日開放,需事先預約)。Admire the view like a scene from a movie, using a train window as a screen!写真提供 備前長船刀剣博物館29Yamaguchi山口72Be impressed Kagawa / OkayamaThe Great Seto Bridge consists of ten bridges connecting the main is-land and Shikoku Island. It is one of the biggest bridges in the world, which carries both highway traf-fic and rail traffic. If you cross the bridges on a train in the evening, you can enjoy a romantic view cre-ated by the sun setting over the Seto Inland Sea with several small islands.「瀨戶大橋」是連結本州和四國的10座橋梁的總稱,也是道路與鐵路共用的世界最大級別之橋梁。到了傍晚搭乘列車過橋,可欣賞夕陽沉落於漂浮著數座小島的瀨戶內海,景色非常浪漫。香川、岡山75Watch the sunset from the in the famous castle and wagashi culture in Matsue到松江沉浸於名城與和菓子文化swords at Bizen Osafune Sword Museum到備前長船刀劍博物館感受日本刀的美Historical Quarterin a leisurely manner到傳統的倉敷美觀地區悠閒漫步by the appearance and tasteof kawara-soba享用色香味俱全的山口名產瓦片蕎麥麵Great Seto Bridge, one of the biggest bridges in the world 到全球最大級別的橋梁「瀨戶大橋」看夕陽把車窗當成銀幕,欣賞宛如電影場景般迷人的景色!Shimane島根71Immerse yourself Okayama岡山73Appreciate the beauty of Japanese Okayama岡山74Relax in Kurashiki Bikan
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