Arriving at and departing from Tokyo Station, “Sunrise Izumo” and “Sunrise Seto” are sleeper trains with desti-nations of Izumo City, with Izumo Taisha Shrine, and Takamatsu in Shikoku, respectively. In a private compart-ment, you will feel like you are in a mobile hotel! It is a luxurious experience to see a great view through a large window of the train while reclining.Sunrise號是從東京站出發,前往出雲大社所在的出雲市,或是四國的高松這兩個目的地的寢台列車。如果預約包廂型的客房,即可享受宛如移動式飯店的樂趣!躺平後從大車窗欣賞風景,也是另類的奢侈享受!Located close to Shuri Castle in Naha City, “Shuri Ryusen” studio offers a unique “coral dyeing” lesson. Cover a piece of coral with fabric and rub it with an inked cloth, and then you will get a beautiful pattern appearing on the fabric. This art of nature fostered by the ocean of Okinawa will be a great memory of your trip, only for yourself.在那霸市首里城附近的工房「首里琉染」,可以體驗稀有的「珊瑚染」。將布帛蓋上切成環狀的珊瑚,並以沾附墨水的布摩擦,就會浮現出美麗的圖樣。孕育於沖繩大海的自然藝術,會成為個人專屬的旅程回憶。The waters around Miyako Island boast one of the highest levels of clarity in the world. My most recommended beach is 17END on Shimoji Island, connected to Miyako Island by bridge. The pure white sand beach and em-erald green ocean creates beauty that you want to keep watching forever.沖繩縣的宮古群島擁有透明度堪稱全球頂級的海洋。其中特別推薦的是,以橋梁與宮古島相連接的下地島的「17END」。純白的沙灘與碧藍的海洋優美如畫,百看不厭。Located so close to Okinawa Main Island that it is visible from Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, Ie Island is easily accessible. The island is filled with attractive aspects of nature only experienceable on an isolated island, such as Mount Gusuku rising at the center of the island, a white sand beach, and beautiful ocean with high clar-ity of the water! It is surprising that it takes only 30 minutes from the main island to such an island resort.伊江島離沖繩本島很近,從沖繩美麗海水族館即可望見,可以輕鬆前往。這裡有聳立在島中央的城山、白色沙灘、清澈美麗的海洋等,濃縮了離島特有的自然魅力!而且竟然只需30分鐘,即可從本島前往這座離島度假區喔!Please see here for more information!You can also enjoy a leisurely horseback ride on the beach! Japan西日本EnglishOkinawa沖繩繁體中文only available at one placein Okinawa到沖繩體驗獨一無二的珊瑚染Fully and easily enjoy a resort feeling on Ie Island到伊江島自在享受度假氣氛Travel by sleeper train “Sunrise Izumo/Seto”搭Sunrise出雲/瀨戶享受寢台列車之旅吧Get healed by the best emerald green ocean in Okinawa到沖繩首屈一指的碧藍海洋放鬆療癒還可以在海灘上悠閒地體驗騎馬!한국어日本語简体中文網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로!Okinawa沖繩97Try a coral dyeing experience Okinawa沖繩1009998
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