Okayama Prefecture岡山縣Kurashiki is a town between Osaka and Hiroshima. In the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, traditional white walled buildings, early-mod-ern Western style architecture, and willow trees lining the riverside, blend Japanese and Western styles together into a sight of incomparable beauty. Historic buildings here have been renovated to preserve their structural essence while being reborn as unique interior shops, cafes, and galleries. From renting a kimono to riding a rickshaw, there are so many ways to fully enjoy the atmosphere of traditional Japan.倉敷位於大阪與廣島的中間。在倉敷美觀地區,河岸旁林立著傳統的白牆建築、近代的西洋建築及柳樹,可欣賞日西合璧的秀麗景緻。活用古老建築的型態加以改建,搖身一變成為特色獨具的雜貨店、咖啡館、博物館等。在此處可租借和服、搭乘人力車,充分享受日本情調。Latest edition for 2023-20242023-24最新版本松江米子廣島HiroshimaShin-Yamaguchi新山口KansaiInternationalAirport關西國際機場關西國際機場Fukui福井Osaka大阪Nara奈良小倉KokuraMatsueYonago鳥取Tottori岡山Okayama新神戸Kurashiki Bikan Historical QuarterShin-Kobe Kurashiki Sta. (JR)新大阪Shin-OsakaKansai Area Railway MapKansai Area Railway Map大阪Osaka新大阪Shin-Osaka姫路Himeji神戸環球城Universal-city新今宮關西機場Kansai-airport金澤Kanazawa富山ToyamaHokurikuHokurikuhttps://kankou-kurashiki.jp/experience2021/machiarukicoupon_tc.pdf[ Shimane, Tottori ][ Shimane, Tottori ][ Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi ][ Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi ]https://kankou-kurashiki.jp/experience2021/machiarukicoupon_en.pdf[ Ishikawa, Fukui,Toyama ][ Ishikawa, Fukui,Toyama ]SonobeSasayamaguchiTakarazukaSaga-ArashiyamaKyoto稻荷KobeNishikujoOsakajokoenInariJR-NambaShin-ImamiyaTennojiNaraRinku-townWakayama 1,000 yen (a set of ten coupons)Coupons good for local sweets in the Bikan Historical Quarter, or to enter art galleries and museums. Let’s make the most of your trip!The West Japan region is known to have many unique and attractive spots everywhere. It is an additional appeal to visitors that they can access various places within the area by rail and/or ferry. Here are recommended spots as well as activities in West Japan, which can be accessed more conveniently and economically with JR-WEST RAIL PASS!西日本擁有許多特色獨具且魅力萬千的景點,而可利用鐵路或渡輪輕鬆前往各個城市,也是此地的優勢。向大家介紹使用JR西日本鐵路周遊券,將可更優惠且便於前往的西日本推薦景點和體驗!36The area is famously known as the “Fruit Kingdom” for its abundant fruit production nurtured by the gentle climate warmed by the Seto Inland Sea.受到溫暖的瀨戶內海氣候影響,此地盛產水果,是遠近馳名的「水果王國」。篠山口寶塚西九條京都JR難波大阪城公園天王寺臨空城奈良和歌山Kurashiki TownCoupon倉敷街區漫步優惠券For more information, access詳情見此San’inSan’in山陰山陰島根、鳥取島根、鳥取 岡山、廣島、山口 岡山、廣島、山口SanyoSanyo山陽山陽石川、福井、富山石川、福井、富山北陸北陸關西廣域關西廣域關西關西京都KyotoGreater KansaiGreater KansaiKansaiKansai 1,000日圓(一組10張)可使用於美觀地區邊吃邊逛的當地甜點、美術館與博物館入館等的優惠券。它會是你的旅遊良伴喔! 倉敷站(JR)關西路線圖園部嵯峨嵐山VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!倉敷美觀地區Visit West Japanby Using JR-WEST RAIL PASS to Enjoy Fine Scenery and Experiences!暢遊西日本!使用JR西日本鐵路周遊券(JR-WEST RAIL PASS)玩遍絕美景點與體驗
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