Among the vast array of attractive Hiroshima foods, goods, traditional crafts and other local products here, you may stumble upon something surprising at this plaza. Check it out at the beginning or end of your Hiroshima adventure.網羅了許多廣島的食物、物產、傳統工藝品等具備地區魅力的商品,或許也會有意想不到的發現喔!在廣島之旅的起始或尾聲時,不妨來此一遊!The port town of Tomonoura has long prospered as a hub of domestic and international trade with an atmosphere symbolic of the Seto Inland Sea. The history and culture of the 17th to 19th centuries is still alive here, sym-bolized by the stone lighthouse Joyato. The beauty of the townscape has made it a favorite filming location for numerous movies, and as the setting for anime works.In this historic area, Taichoro, once used as a reception hall, offers a spectacular view of the Seto Inland Sea once praised as the best in Japan. Elsewhere, just five minutes by ferry from Tomonoura ferry port, Sensuijima is an uninhabited island beloved for its mysterious natural scenery.Kansai-Hiroshima Area Pass關西&廣島地區鐵路周遊券recommend! Directly connected to JR Hiroshima Sta. 21:00 *Business hours vary by store holiday 10:00- No fixed Directly connected to JR Hiroshima Sta. 10:00-17:00 JR Fukuyama Sta. Open 365 days 30 min by bus Unlimited rides5天內無限次數搭乘Searching for the special souvenir?Look no further!購買伴手禮就來這裡!For more detailsP.48-49詳細資訊Directly connected to Hiroshima Station, the hotel’s cafe lounge is easy to access. Give yourself a break with sweets and a cup of tea.39直通廣島站,交通便利的飯店咖啡館Lounge。在此一邊享用紅茶與甜點,一邊放鬆休息吧!Ekie Hiroshima StationTomonouraHotel Granvia Hiroshima Lobby Lounge休息就來這裡!Kick back herefor a well-deserved break!鞆之浦自古以來因與國內外的交易而興起,是擁有瀨戶內海代表風情的港口。以此地的象徵石燈籠「常夜燈」為首,保留了 17~19世紀的歷史文化,並因優美的街景而成為許多電影的外景地與動畫作品的舞台。其中,曾作為迎賓館使用的「對潮樓」,可欣賞過去擁有日本第一之美譽的瀨戶內海絕美景觀。此外,從鞆之浦的渡船場搭船5分鐘可前往的無人島「仙醉島」,也因能欣賞到神祕的自然景觀而廣受歡迎。 直通JR廣島站 10:00~21:00 ※因各區域而異 不定期公休 JR福山站搭乘公車30分鐘 直通JR廣島站 10:00~17:00 全年無休廣島站鞆之浦廣島格蘭比亞大酒店 LOBBY LOUNGE
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