KokuraYamaguchi Prefecture山口縣小倉7-day Unlimited rides7天內無限次數搭乘Hofu admission pass 防府共通拜觀券「Shicchoru Ca」“Shicchoru Ca”Sanyo-San’in Area Pass山陽&山陰地區鐵路周遊券recommend!After ruling the region as feudal lords for centuries from the 17th century, the Mohri Family created this Japanese garden in the modern era. Bringing together the best horticultural tech-niques of the age, the garden is considered a masterpiece of ex-quisite harmony between natural and man-made beauty. Part of the estate is called the Mohri Museum, where works of art handed down by generations of the Mohri Family are on display. Open Adult 400 yen (Garden only. Mohri Museum https://c-able.ne.jp/~mouri-m/te_teien/index.html JR Hofu Sta. 365 days (Garden), Dec. 22-31 (Museum) requires separate admission.) Kokura Sta. Open 365 days https://www.kokura-castle.jp/overview-en/ Mohri Hontei Iriguchi stop 6 min by bus (Apr. -Oct.) 9:00-20:00 (Nov. Mar.) 9:00-19:00 *Business hours may be subject to change. 15 min walk 350 yen 15 min walk Open 365 days https://www.hofutenmangu.com/ 9:00-17:00 JR Shimonoseki Sta. 7 min walk 9:30-21:30 (Last admission 21:00) 4th Saturday of January Adult (18 years old and above) 600 yen https://www.yumetower.jp/Hofu Tenmangu Shrine is said to be the first of countless Tenmangu Shrines throughout Japan that en-shrine the god of learning. There is also a tea room, Hoshoan, where you can enjoy a cup of matcha green tea with Japanese sweets gazing out upon the seasonal scenery. 6:00-20:00(Tea room Hoshoan 9:30-16:00, History JR Hofu Sta. Tea room Hoshoan: 500 yen (includes matcha Museum 9:00-16:30) green tea and sweets; admission to the garden is free); History Museum: Adult 500 yen Dining on sushi is a must when in Kokura. Surrounded by the sea and a short distance from fish-ing grounds, Kitakyushu’s sushi is wildly popular for its abundant variety and unparalleled freshness. The deliciousness of Kitakyushu sushi is born from a fortunate combination of lucky location, the skills of seasoned professional chefs, and cultural tradition.This pass presents great value with admission to four historic sites included, such as Hofu Tenmangu Shrine (Tea Room Hoshoan or Historical Museum) and Mohri Garden.Located at the western end of Honshu and connected to Kyushu by the Kanmon Kaikyo (Kanmon Strait). Japan’s largest karst (rare rock formation) “Akiyoshidai” sprawls over the central area.位於本州的西側,隔著關門海峽與九州相連。中央處有日本最大的喀斯特台地「秋吉台」。Kokura is part of Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, facing Honshu across the Kanmon Strait. Since ancient times, it has prospered as the gateway to the Kyushu region.小倉是福岡縣北九州市的一部份,隔著關門海峽面朝本州,自古以來就以九州地方的玄關之姿繁榮興盛。Specialty Foods!知名美食!For more detailsP.48-49詳細資訊The only castle in Fukuoka Prefecture with a castle tower, built by Hosokawa Tadaoki in 1602. The tower is the third largest in Japan. With an el-evator, all visitors, whatever their age, will have no diffi-culty in going up the tower. Don’t miss the splendid dai-ly dance performances of the “Kokura Castle Bushotai”!41Mohri Garden / Mohri MuseumKokura CastleHofu Tenmangu Shrine防府天滿宮KaikyoYume TowerKitakyushu Sushi由細川忠興於1602年築城。擁有福岡縣內唯一的天守閣,其大小傲居日本全國第三。天守閣內備有電梯,各個世代的訪客都能來此享樂。「小倉城武將隊」的華麗演舞表演也是精彩看點!務必來這邊走一走! 小倉站步行約15分鐘 9:00~20:00(4月~10月)、9:00~19:00(11月~3月)※營業時間因日期而異 全年無休 350日圓 https://www.kokura-castle.jp/毛利家於17世紀之後長期治理此地,在邁入近代時打造了此處的日本庭園。此處被稱作是凝聚了當時庭園職人的技術,巧妙地融合了自然美與人工的傑作。宅邸的一部分則作為「毛利博物館」,展示毛利家家傳的美術品等。 JR防府站搭乘公車6分鐘,於「毛利本邸入口」下車 9:00~17:00 全年無休(僅庭園。博物館於12月22日~31日公休。) 成人400日圓(僅限庭園。毛利博物館另行收費。) https://c-able.ne.jp/~mouri-m/te_teien/index.html天滿宮祭祀學問之神,在日本全國各地為數眾多,而相傳最早的就是防府天滿宮。並有茶室松芳庵,可一邊欣賞因季節而異的優美景緻,一邊享用抹茶與日式點心。 JR防府站步行15分鐘 6:00~20:00、茶室芳松庵9:30~16:00、歷史館9:00~16:30 全年無休 茶室芳松庵:500日圓(附抹茶、點心。參觀庭園免費)、歷史館:成人500日圓 https://www.hofutenmangu.com/Travel smart with…旅遊良伴!包含防府天滿宮(茶室芳松庵或歷史館)與毛利氏庭園在內,4處史蹟的拜觀券合而為一的優惠票。隔開本州與九州的關門海峽A landmark of the Kanmon Strait that runs between 之地標。高153公尺,位於the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. The 30th floor 30樓(143公尺高處)的展望observatory (143 m high) in the 153-m-tall tower 室,是全球首座球體玻璃帷holds the world’s first spherical glass wall, providing 幕展望室,可欣賞關門海峽the chance to enjoy a truly 360-degree panoramic 與瀨戶內海等360度的全景。view of the Kanmon Strait and the Seto Inland Sea. JR下關站步行7分鐘 9:30~21:30(最終入館時間21:00) 1月第4個週六 成人(18歲以上)600日圓 https://www.yumetower.jp/ 來到小倉,一定要造訪壽司店!這裡四面環海,魚的種類豐富,再加上漁場靠近港口,環境易於保持鮮度,因此北九州的壽司深受歡迎。北九州的壽司會如此美味,全靠地利之便以及將其美味發揮到淋漓盡致的專業技術與文化!毛利氏庭園、毛利博物館小倉城海峽夢之塔北九州的壽司
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