
Kansai Area關西都會圈地區Kyoto Aquarium is a large-scale inland aquarium us-ing only artificial seawa-ter, which is a first in Japan. People of all generations from adults to children can enjoy learning about undersea life, including rare creatures, such as Japanese giant salamanders, a special national trea-sure, that live in the rivers in Kyoto. The “Jellyfish Wonders” area, with 5,000 jellyfish of more than 30 species, is also very popular. As it is located next to Kyoto Railway Museum, visiting both together is recommended.日本首座使用100%人工海水的內陸型大規模水族館。可近距離觀察珍奇生物,如棲息於京都河川的特別天然紀念物日本大鯢等,寓教於樂,老少咸宜。有約30種,共5,000隻水母漂浮在水中的「水母樂園」也非常有人氣。因鄰接京都鐵道博物館,推薦可一併造訪。Travel smart with…旅遊良伴!Have Fun In Kansai PassAkashi’sSushi Coupon“Waza no Ippin”明石壽司優惠券「技之逸品」 2-min walk from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Sta. (JR) 10:00–17:00 (admission until 16:30) Wednesdays (open on holiday Wednesdays), Adult 30–Jan. 1, other temporary closing 1,500 yen Choose either three or six popular sightseeing facilities and activities in Kansai with this discount pass and get coupons for shops as well. Participating facilities offering discount coupons include LUCUA osaka, Ichiroku Gourmet and Eki Marche.This coupon book allows you to choose your favorite restaurant and dishes among ten places around Akashi Station. Enjoy the skill and taste of top-class restaurants with ease. Akashi Information Center (Piole Akashi West Wing) / Akashi Tourism Association Office (Aspia Akashi North Wing 7F) Three types of 2,000 yen / 3,000 yen / 5,000 yen 7-min walk from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Varies according to the day Adult 2,400 yen Sta. (JR) Open 365 days one of the biggest railway museums in Japan, this museum has a collection of 54 precious train cars that led the mod-ernization of Japan, from real steam lo-comotives to shinkansen trains. It offers a place where you can enjoy learning about the world of railways un-der the theme of “discover, touch and experience,” with various experi-ences such as riding on the SL steam train and operating the train driv-ing simulator (tickets for experience should be purchased in advance).日本國內最大級別的鐵道博物館,收藏涵蓋了蒸汽火車實品到新幹線電車等,共54輛牽引日本現代化的寶貴列車。這是以「觀賞、接觸、體驗」為主題,備有蒸汽火車Steam號的搭乘體驗、行駛模擬裝置(體驗票採預售制),可寓教於樂學習鐵路知識的博物館。 梅小路京都西站(JR)步行約2分鐘  10:00~17:00(最終入館時間16:30) 週三(國定假日開館)、年底年初(12/30~1/1),另有臨時休館日  全票1,500日圓 is a central area of West Japan, where you can enjoy historyand traditional culture along with cutting-edge fashion and entertainment.西日本的中心地區,可接觸悠久的歷史與傳統文化,以及最先進的時尚和娛樂活動。Every year, roughly 100 kinds of fish are caught in the waters sur-rounding Akashi City facing the Seto Inland Sea and Akashi Strait. This precious bounty supplies a host of top-quality sushi restaurants. If you’re searching for the real taste of Japan, venture a little beyond Kyoto or Osaka to Akashi, the home of sushi!Osaka has a “large helping” of distinctive dishes, including takoyaki and oko-nomiyaki. Dining destinations directly connected to Osaka Station make it easy to sample specialties of the region on your journey. For example, the shop-per’s paradise LUCUA osaka on the north side of JR Osaka Station has two restaurant floors. On the south side of JR Osaka Station, “Ichiroku Gourmet” above the Daimaru Umeda store is home to a variety of restaurants with the theme of a small feast. Also, the Eki Marche right next to the Sakurabashi Exit of JR Osaka Station, is a slew of popular eateries. With shops open from early morning to late at night, hungry travelers are welcome anytime.42面朝瀨戶內海、明石海峽的明石市,每年可捕獲多達約百種魚類,也因此有許多高品質的壽司店。如果想品嘗正宗的壽司,從京都或大阪再走遠一些,造訪明石絕對值得!說到大阪,有章魚燒、御好燒等眾多名產。直通大阪站的設施的話,即可利用移動的空檔,輕鬆享用各種知名美食。例如:位於大阪站北側,可盡情享受購物樂趣的LUCUA osaka內,就設有兩層的餐飲樓層;而JR大阪站南側、大丸梅田店上方16樓的「Ichiroku Gourmet」,則匯聚了以美食為主題,種類豐富的餐廳。此外,JR大阪站櫻橋口旁的「EKI MARCHÉ」內有眾多話題餐廳進駐,還有從一早營業到深夜的店家,十分便利。關西樂享周遊券Savor the sushi of AkashiKyoto Railway MuseumEnjoy the Tastes of Osaka Kyoto Aquarium可從關西的人氣觀光設施、戶外活動、商業設施的優惠券等中,任選3項或6項喜歡的設施使用的超值票券。還有可以在「LUCUA osaka」、「Ichiroku Gourmet」或「EKI MARCHÉ」使用的優惠券。 梅小路京都西站(JR)步行約7分鐘  因日期而異  全年無休  成人2,400日圓 明石旅遊資訊中心(piole AKASHI西館)/明石觀光協會事務所(ASPIA明石北館7樓) 2,000日圓/3,000日圓/5,000日圓,3個種類可從明石站周邊的10家店中,任選喜歡的店家與菜色使用的優惠券BOOK,可自在享用高級餐廳的技藝與好滋味。VISIT WEST JAPAN BY USING JR-WEST RAIL PASS TO ENJOY FINE SCENERY AND EXPERIENCES!大啖明石的壽司京都鐵道博物館品嘗大阪美食京都水族館For more information, access詳情見此For more information, access詳情見此

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