A complex facility with a hotel, seafood restaurant, cafe, and a 30-meter long footbath on the terrace overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Kick back in the footbath with a magnificent view of sea and sky. The Shirahama Midsea Observatory (Coral Princess), is also an amazing place to see some adorable fish swimming around the floor of the Pacific Ocean 8 m deep.由飯店、海鮮餐廳、咖啡廳,以及位在可將太平洋盡收眼底的露台、長達30公尺的大足湯等所組成的綜合設施。一邊欣賞壯麗的海洋與天空,一邊泡足湯放鬆吧!另外,還有附設白濱海中展望塔(珊瑚公主),可欣賞水深8公尺的太平洋海底情景,說不定還有機會遇見可愛的魚群。This market sells seafood and local souve-nirs at the Katsuura Fishing Port, which boasts the largest catch of raw tuna in Japan. Be sure to taste the fresh seafood caught fresh from the fishing port at the cafeteria. The tuna carving show is also a popular spectacle not to be missed.位於鮪魚捕獲量高居日本第一的勝浦漁港內,銷售海產、當地伴手禮的市場。並有附設可享用在漁港新鮮現撈海產的食堂。還會舉辦鮪魚解體秀,活力四射、熱鬧非凡。recommend!WakayamaWakayamaWakayama和歌山Nara奈良Kimiidera, built in 770, is a famous cherry blossom spot, and offers a pan-oramic view of the changing season-al scenery of Wakanoura. In the pre-cincts, you can see historical buildings designated as Important Cultural Properties, as well as the Buddha statue, which is also an Important Cultural Property, in the main hall.西元770年創建的紀三井寺為賞櫻名勝,從寺廟境內可眺望和歌之浦四季因時而異的繽紛景色。此外,在寺廟境內可參觀獲指定為重要文化財的歷史建築,在本堂則可觀賞到重要文化財的佛像。 JR紀三井寺站步行10分鐘 8:00~17:00(纜車運行時間為8:30~16:30) 全年無休 成人 纜車費用:上山600日圓、下山200日圓※徒步上山參拜則為免費 https://www.kimiidera.com/和歌山Visit the temples到奈良周遊寺院吧of NaraKansai Area Pass關西地區鐵路周遊券2,400 JPY~recommend!Kansai WIDE Area Pass關西廣域鐵路周遊券https://horyuji-ikaruga-nara.or.jp/pdf/2127_1682905890_23.pdf和歌山 JR Nara Sta. (Mar.-Oct.), 7:00-17:00 (Nov.-Feb.) https://www.kasugataisha.or.jp/en/about_en/ JR Kimiidera Sta. 17:00 (Cable car 8:30-16:30) *Visitors on foot: Free admission https://www.kimiidera.com/ 15 min by bus 6:30-17:30 Open 365 days 8:00- Open 365 days Cable car (Adult): Up 600 yen, Down 200 yen 10 min walk JR Shirahama Sta. Infinity footbath 7:00-23:00 (Free). Shirahama Midsea Observatory 9:00-16:30 (Admission until 16:00) Open 365 days (Varies by store) Adult 800 yen (500 yen when visibility is poor) for Shirahama Midsea Observation Towe https://www.keyterrace.co.jp/facility/#observatory JR Kiikatsuura Sta. 8:00-16:00 (Last order 15:30) https://nigiwaiichiba.com/ Nara Prefecture is home to historic temples. If you are planning a tour to visit temples around Horyuji Temple, you should get a Four-Temple Tour Ticket. This ticket is valid for admissions at Horyuji Temple, Chuguji Temple, Horinji Temple, and Hokkiji Temple, which are all related to Shotoku Taishi (Prince Shotoku, an eminent figure in Japan from the late 6th century to the early 7th century). Furthermore, you can get some discounts for renting a bicycle as well as at restaurants and shops with this ticket!1 4-day Unlimited rides5-day Unlimited rides5天內無限次數搭乘For more detailsP.48-49For more detailsP.14-15詳細資訊詳細資訊45 2,400 yen 20 min by bus Shin Yuzaki stop short walk 4 min walk Tuesdays This ancient shrine is said to have been built over 1,300 years ago. Feel the mysterious serenity of this magnifi-cent shrine deep in the forest. In Nara Park right next door, deer are cherished as messengers of the gods.1~4天內無限次數搭乘Kasugataisha ShrineKimiideraTempleSHIRAHAMA KEY TERRACELively KatsuuraFishing Port Market6,800 JPY奈良是古老寺廟的寶庫。如果想走訪法隆寺周圍的寺廟,使用4寺周遊拜觀券非常方便。除了法隆寺之外,還可使用於同樣與聖德太子(6世紀晚期~7世紀早期的日本偉人)淵源匪淺的中宮寺、法輪寺,以及法起寺。此外,在租借自行車、餐廳、商店等處還能享受超值優惠!詳情見此For more information, access JR奈良站搭乘公車15分鐘 11月~2月 7:00~17:00 https://www.kasugataisha.or.jp/ch-h/about_ch-h/相傳建於超過1,300年前的古老神社,壯麗的社殿佇立於森林環繞的空間裡,可感受到神祕又靜謐的氣氛。腹地相鄰的奈良公園內有鹿群棲息,牠們被視為神明的差使備受重視。 3月~10月 6:30~17:30、 全年無休 JR白濱站搭乘公車20分鐘,於「新湯崎」下車步行即抵 景觀足湯7:00~23:00(免費)、白濱海中展望塔9:00~16:30(最終入場時間16:00) 全年無休(因店而異) 白濱海中展望塔:成人800日圓(視線不佳時500日圓) https://www.keyterrace.co.jp/facility/#observatory 2,400日圓 JR紀伊勝浦站步行4分鐘 8:00~16:00 (最後點餐時間15:30) 週二 https://nigiwaiichiba.com/春日大社紀三井寺勝浦漁港NIGIWAI市場
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