
超夢幻的日本風情田園、水田景色Fantastical representation of the scenery of Japanese rice fieldsTCKミニミニホースTCKミニミニホースTrainTaxi圖片僅供參考。從東京都心出發交通便捷!Easy access from central Tokyo!Advance tickets are available here:預售票於下列地點銷售Discounted Advance Fixed-date Tickets指定日期的優惠預售票HanedaAirport羽田機場Oi KeibajoMae Sta.大井競馬場前站10 min. at the shortest from Haneda Airport!從羽田機場前往最快10分鐘!JR Hamamatsucho Sta.濱松町站10 min from Haneda Airport / 10 min from Shinagawa Sta. / 20 min from Ginza Sta. /25 min from Asakusa Sta. / 30 min from Shinjuku Sta. or Shibuya Sta.從羽田機場10分鐘 / 從品川站10分鐘 / 從銀座站20分鐘 / 從淺草站25分鐘 / 從新宿站、澀谷站30分鐘Closed day公休日Business hours: 16:30-21:00 (Admission until 20:00)營業時間:16:30~21:00(入場至20:00為止)in “The most satisfyingilluminations in Japan 2022-2023” by Walkerplus「2022-2023日本全國去過覺得很值得的點燈秀」RankedAdults (18 yrs and over)Cherry Blossom TunnelTicketFromScheduleChildren (elementary, junior high, and high school)A RAINBOW FOUNTAIN BATHED IN LIGHTFromPreschool-aged andunder: FreeA unique racetrack experience–Meet horses and snap photos–鐵路計程車AccessPlease note that the schedule and the content of the performances may be changed, cancelled, or closed without notice due to weather conditions. 營業日期及表演內容可能因天候等情況無預告更改、中止、休息。TokyoMonorail12分鐘12 min.(Tokyo City Keiba) (東京都市賽馬場)Check the website for operating schedule and up-to-date information營業日期等最新資訊請於網站確認! Forest8 min.步行2分鐘2 min. walkTokyo Mega Illumi Images are for illustrative purposes only.No.1成人(18歲以上)兒童(小學、國中、高中生)學齡前兒童免費 2023.11.11– 2024.1.8排行第一名by Walkerplus賽馬場的獨特體驗~與馬匹邂逅&拍照留念~櫻花隧道光之彩虹大噴泉東京單軌電車8分鐘極光森林Tokyo Mega Illumination will Brighten Your NightHave you ever been to a winter illumination event at a horse racetrack?Every winter, for a limited time, Tokyo’s City Keiba (Oi Racecourse) holds the Tokyo Mega Illumination when there are no races! It’s a fun experience both families and couples can enjoy.~TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION照亮你的夜晚~你在賽馬場看過燈飾秀嗎?在東京的大井賽馬場,冬季沒有賽馬的日子裡,期間限定舉辦「TOKYO MEGA ILLUMINATION」!這裡是闔家大小與情侶皆能自在享樂的景點。A Magical World of Sparkling Lights and Horses光與馬的夢幻樂園

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