11/24遵守規矩,愉快散步! 新大久保的規矩Please check out the website for the latest event information:FacebookInstagramAccess and detailed information about these places are available at Shinjuku Tourist Information (at South East Gate of JR Shinjuku Station)! 到新宿旅遊問訊處(JR新宿站東南口)取得前往各景點的交通方式與詳細資訊吧!In the vicinity of Okubo Station is Hyakunincho (literally, “hundred-person town”). The town’s name is said to come from 100 troops of musketeers sta-tioned here for the protection of Edo (old Tokyo) roughly 400 years ago. To this day, torii gates and stone lanterns dedicated to the musketeers stand tall at the Kaichu Inari Shrine. With Okubo-dori Street at its center, this historic area is now packed with restaurants and markets where you can savor the delectable flavors of Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Nepalese, and other Asian cuisine.Recommended for those yearning for a light stroll, Toyama Park, a popular spot for viewing cherry blossoms, azaleas, and more. Inside, you’ll find the 44-meter-tall Mt. Hakone, the high-est elevation within the Yamanote Line loop in Tokyo. From late March to early April, stun-ning cherry blossoms bloom along the Kanda River. Enjoy the blossoms enveloping the river as the Toden tram runs along its flank, creating the quintessential scene of Shinjuku in the spring.戶山公園是櫻花和杜鵑等的賞花勝地,很適合想愜意散步的遊客造訪。園內有山手線內側最高的山——箱根山,高44公尺。在3月下旬至4月上旬,在神田川沿岸則可欣賞優美的櫻花;盛開的櫻花宛如包覆著神田川一般,搭配上從旁行駛而過的都電,構成新宿的春日風情畫。Do not block the path when stopping or waiting in line in front of a restaurant or store.All food should be enjoyed inside restaurants, or, with takeout, at Nishi-Okubo Park or at your accommodations.飲食請於店內或西大久保公園等,或是外帶回住宿處等享用。Do not litter or smoke on the street.禁止隨意丟棄垃圾,路上禁止吸菸。11百人町位於大久保站附近,在約400年前,曾居住著負責江戶(過去的東京)警備的鐵砲組百人隊,並因此得名。如今,在「皆中稻荷神社」內還保留著他們供奉的鳥居與燈籠。這個歷史悠久的地區,現在則以大久保通為中心,開設了包括韓國、泰國、越南、尼泊爾等,可品嘗亞洲各地美食的餐廳和食品店。Kanda River 神田川在店面前等候排隊時,請勿妨礙到交通通行。Popular local sakura-viewing spots 當地特有的櫻花名勝shinjuku.informationvisit_shinjuku_en.tcPlease also check out our social media也歡迎看看我們的社群平台也可至官方網站上查詢最新的活動資訊。Natsume Soseki Memorial Museum漱石山房紀念館Waseda International House of Literature(The Haruki Murakami Library)早稻田大學國際文學館(村上春樹圖書館)Okubo: A district of rich international colors 富有國際色彩的街區──大久保Shin-Okubo rulesPlease follow the rules during your excursion!1.2.3.Tokyo Sakura Tram (Toden Arakawa Line) 東京櫻花路面電車 (都電荒川線)Kaichu Inari Shrine 皆中稻荷神社Okubo-dori Street 大久保通Toyama Park 戶山公園

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