13MonakaMonakaWontonWonton28NNooooddlleeTogenuki Jizo,a “power spot” for recovery from illnessFreshly baked dorayaki DDSenari MonakaiikkaayyaarrooPlease see here for more information!Simple ramen made with care: Mensoan SunadaChinese noodles made with only carefully selected ingredients in a light, flavorful chicken stock broth. The Wonton Noodles are highly rec-ommended, a satisfying dish featur-ing dumplings bursting with meat.A local tale tells how a pilgrim once accidentally swallowed a thorn but had it safely removed at the temple. Ever since, Koganji Temple has affectionate-ly been known as “Togenuki Jizoson,” meaning “the Guardian of Splinter-removal.” At the “Arai Kannon” or “Deity of Washing,” pouring water over ailing parts of your body is said to have healing properties. A Japanese sweets shop loved by locals since 1937. Their claim to fame is the “dorayaki” baked onsite, and the most popular flavor is salty red-bean paste butter. Try it once and you’re sure to want more. Enjoy it for takeout or in the shop with a free tea service.Streetcars roll through the laid-back vibes of the Sugamo/Otsuka area. The neighborhood is easily ac-cessible along the JR Yamanote Line, about five minutes by train from Tokyo’s shopping/entertainment district, Ikebukuro. Filled with beloved local shops, it's the perfect place to stroll through a leisurely day.巢鴨與大塚地區有路面電車行駛而過,洋溢著悠閒的氣氛。位於JR山手線沿線,距離東京的鬧區池袋搭乘電車約5分鐘可抵,交通也十分便利。此地匯聚了深得當地民眾喜愛的店家,是個可在此悠閒漫步逛上一天的街區。 Main hall 6:00–17:00 (4th, 14th and 24th –20:00), Open 365 days24 hours entry available in precincts att-japan.net/ Weekdays (No dinner on Wednesday) 9:00–14:00 (L.O.13:30), 18:00–20:30 (L.O.20:00), Sat, Sun, holidays 9:00–15:30 (L.O.15:00) Thu, other non fixed holidays 10:00–18:00 Open 365 daysTTkkooyyeerrttttoo’’ssoooowwrrnn!!and한국어日本語简体中文TOKYO | SUGAMO AND OTSUKA樣樣精選的王道拉麵「麵創庵 砂田」僅使用精選食材製作的中華麵,清爽又鮮美的雞湯湯頭堪稱絕品!餛飩麵的餛飩用料扎實,讓人嘗了非常有滿足感,值得推薦。高岩寺因為曾有信徒在此處參拜後,順利拔出誤飲之針,因此有「拔刺地藏尊」之別名。據說以水澆淋「洗觀音」上自己感覺不適的部位,即可獲得庇佑。1937年起即深得當地民眾喜愛的和菓子(日式點心)店。招牌商品是店頭現烤的銅鑼燒,最受歡迎的是紅豆奶油,奶油的鹽味令人百吃不膩,也可在店裡內用,搭配免費茶飲一起享用。Temple visits and tempting treatson Sugamo Jizo-dori Shopping StreetSugamo Jizo-dori Shopping Street is a famous sightseeing spot filled with restau-rants and souvenir shops surrounding the temple Togenuki Jizo. After wandering through the temple grounds, wander around to find the perfect spot for you. English繁體中文 本堂開門6:00~17:00(4、14、24日到20:00),腹地內24小時可進入 網站有更多資訊喔!자세한 정보는 웹사이트로! 全年無休 平日(週三僅供應午餐時段)9:00~14:00(最後點餐時間13:30),18:00~20:30(最後點餐時間20:00)、週六日/國定假日9:00~15:30(最後點餐時間15:00) 週四(另有不定期公休) 10:00~18:00 全年無休改善疾病的能量景點「拔刺地藏」現烤銅鑼燒「千成最中」A relaxing stroll in到巢鴨地藏通商店街參拜&逛逛吃吃「巢鴨地藏通商店街」以「拔刺地藏」為中心,周圍林立著許多餐飲店和伴手禮商店,是巢鴨知名的觀光景點。不妨在參拜前後一邊散步,一邊尋找喜愛的店家。到東京的復古街區巢鴨、大塚來趟悠閒漫步!
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